Thursday, September 26, 2013

Twitter Privacy

Social Media

Last night I was at a late night cheer practice for my competitive cheerleading team Ohio Extreme in Avon, Ohio. Mind you, I am physically and mentally exhausted from trying to balance my first semester of college and keep up with the commitment of a highly competitive team an hour away that I bend over backwards for. Naturally being stressed out at school, never having spare time to hang out with friends. I vent on social media.

 When you look at twitter news feeds its blown up with complaints, fights, and whining about personal problems. So I think to myself I'm not doing anything wrong just coping with stress by venting to an audience that nobody cares. But the thing is some people do care, there creepy. When I go on social media I don't sit there and stalk peoples feeds but apparently some people do.

Back to my practice randomly the coach goes on a rampage about what one of my teammates posted on twitter. Then out of no where completely unexpected she calls me out. I'm thinking to myself what the heck I didn't post anything on twitter about cheerleading, I barley ever even use the site. I'm thinking to myself what the heck did I post, she didn't specify my situation like she did my teammates so people are coming up to me asking what I posted my response Is I have no idea.

Naturally I am upset at the situation. I think its ridiculous first off that my coach is stalking my social media and knows more about my news feeds then I do. I'm complaining to people on my team about the situation. Then one girl rudely mentions my word choice in my tweets. First off, why do you stalk what I tweet? Yes I am putting it out there for anyone to view. But I don't expect someone to be able to quote every tweet I've posted within the past two months. This teammate goes onto tell me that my language affects the program and is a bad reflection on the gym.

Why would anyone honestly care though? Everyone I am around cusses even some of my professors. I know a lot of successful people in life that swear. My family swears why does it matter if I swear. How would they know I even cheer there? I guess there are ways of finding out.

My point to this story is you may not realize it but there are a lot of social media stalkers out there. Technology and Digital media provide us with social networks to connect with our friends and family to let them know how where feeling and what's going on. When really its not just our friends and family out there viewing our feeds some people just have no life and jump into your issues or problems. It could be anyone even someone you don't want viewing your information, a coach, a teacher, an employer. You don't want to put anything out there that you don't want everyone to see.

To go along with this more and more jobs are starting to search names through systems that check your social media throughout the past three years before they hire you. The conflict with Social Justice here is how is that fair to intertwine your personal and worklife. I feel that employers should only worry about how you act in there workforce. Its not there concern what you do outside in your own time. I view this as completely wrong, I think there should be a stop to this.

I know this experience has taught me to make my profiles private and to watch what I post. But my question does making your profiles private stop employers from hacking into your accounts? But that's a blogpost to be done a different week.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Chomsky: The U.S behaves nothing like a democracy discussion questions

How would you say the united states is the most important country in terms of its power and influence? Do you agree with Chomsky that the U.S is the most important country in these terms?

Would you describe the United States as a one party state today? or do you believe that it is no longer true? Why or why not?

Do you think the power is in the wealth of the nation? Do you believe that is the way it should be? Why or why not?

How do you think the economy and financial institutions have expanded since the 1970s?

What are actions that you've seen to prevent environmental catastrophe? Do you honestly do anything to prevent it?

Do you think the government needs more power then it already has? Will more power help to prevent national security? Why or Why not?

Do you believe that our country is far from having a free press? What does having a free press really mean? What types of headlines would we see if our press was completely free?

Do you think that we should be concerned about terrorism that doesn't affect us? Do you think we should report and make terrorism affecting other countries better known?

Do you think that parts of the Magna Carta have been forgotten? Should we still follow it? Do you think we should educate Americans of what is contained in the Magna Carta?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

BLOGPOST 3 rough draft


It was kind of interesting to think of other uses for tools in class on Wednesday. For instance, I would have never thought that a T.V remote could set off a fire alarm, a paper clip could mend some ones wound together, or a screw driver could be used as a murder weapon. This kind of goes to show that we are so spoiled with modern technology that we forget everything that we can do with simple tools. Think about it ,if society hadn't of drilled its expectations into our heads more of us would be finding creative uses for simpler objects over dishing out loads of cash for. Another thing were doing by purchasing items for each specific desire or use over using the same tool for multiple uses is creating more waste therefore polluting our environment.

 Another interesting topic brought up in class last Friday was that of surrogate children. I have to admit I somewhat disagree with what a lot of people had to say about this being morally wrong or that it shouldn't be aloud. What about husbands and wives that wish to remain faithful to each other but one or both have a genetic disability that prevents them from reproducing, what about homosexual couples. Think of it in their eyes. They want a baby but they can't produce one themselves. They want their kid to look like them and have traits like them. This is an ideal method. It depends upon how you look upon it yes I feel that its wrong for two people able to produce a kid using this method to get the perfect kid, or everyone using it to transform the world into a perfect one. Then again what defines perfection. What is ideal to one person may be completely out of the picture to another. Yes there are some traits that we can all agree are better then others. But our differences are what make us unique and if everyone had a certain quality we would no longer be unique and that quality would no longer be valuable.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday Blog Post Number 2 9/13/2013

First Year Seminar Digital Media and Social Justice

Coming into this class I did not really know what to expect at all. Questions such as; What does first year seminar even mean? Do digital media and social justice really even relate at all? What are we going to be expected of? flashed across my mind. The first day of class was a shock to me, I didn't expect this to be a discussion based class. I had no clue it was going to be a mainly independent study course. It was the biggest surprise of all to me that we would be directing things in our own way. I had expected the class to be guided and structured somewhat like a web design class.

The second day of this class was a real eye opener to me. I began to realize how social justice related to social media. The speaker opened up my eyes a lot and truly got me interested in the subject. The scenarios he had discussed and secrets he had leaked shocked me. I would have never thought that countries like England hid cameras in trash cans, or that stores like Nordstrom tracked your every movement throughout the store by hacking in to your cell phone. That day I also gained an awareness of the dangers of social media. I put a lot of conclusions together and made a lot of realizations. I had always heard to be careful what you post on the Internet and always just sort of ignored it. Now I realize just how many people are actually affected by posts on the Internet, weather it be loosing their jobs or just being socially humiliated. The biggest social media post shocker to me; was the Christmas card that the mother had posted of her family on facebook. It shocked me that someone from the other side of the world had access to her photo and was able to use it for an advertisement. I had always just figured events like this are illegal in our country but this gave me the realization that social media is world wide not just country wide. It makes me wonder if anything I've ever posted is somewhere in the world that I don't know about. I could be a model on an advertisement somewhere in the world and I wouldn't even know.

After this we had many discussions in class, but still there is one that stands out and intrigues me. This is the topic of toxic waste. I always knew the government lied, but I would have never thought things such as digital waste that I "recycled" was never actually recycled. It somewhat infuriates me the majority of recycled toxic waste is merely just dumped for another country to deal with. No, I do not want toxic waste polluting the air I breathe, but it's not fair to just dump all our problems on someone else. This may be the most economically efficient way but morally its not right. Likewise, the earth that we live on is still being destroyed by pollution, our children will still suffer from our consequences in the future no matter where we choose to dump our problems now. I don't know the answer but we need to find another solution to actually truly recycle toxic digital waste. The first step would be to raise awareness about this issue. The more minds we have working to solve the problem the faster it will be resolved.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Discussion Questions CHALLENGING THE CHIP

Have you ever recycled any old cell phones, televisions, computers or anything electronic? How do you feel about the fact  that 80 percent of those items you thought you "recycled" are probably highly polluting our earth in Asia?

Do you agree with the forth R responsibility? Would you think it is fair to say that you are at fault for contributing to toxic wastes on this earth? Why?

Why do you think we utilize weaker economies to handle environmental problems when we have access to more technologies?

Was this article an eye-opener to you? How much knowledge did you have about toxic waste before this? How do you feel about dangerous waste being sent to poorer countries to pollute the air they breathe over ours? 

Do you think we should enforce a ban exporting hazardous waste like the OECD? What could we do with that waste in our own country?

How do you feel about the EPA ignoring all these important issues?  Do you think that their is anything they could do to recognize them, anything to stop exporting this waste but keep Americas air clean and our citizens safe as well?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Discussion Questions for Privacy and Security The tangled web we have woven

1) Would you agree with the statement that Social Media is endangering our basic freedoms? If so, How do you think our freedoms are endangered? What can we do to protect fundamental privacy's?

2) Do you think that companies gathering personal information about customers through digital media to boost sales is wrong or do you think it is brilliant? Why do you think this? Do you think their should be limitations enforced on how far company's can go with invading an individuals privacy?

3) How do you think technology is controlling us? Or Do you disagree with that statement if so explain?

4) How do you feel about the government collecting private information from digital media? Do you think it is necessary for security? How far do you think is too far to dig into someones private information?

5) Would you consider installing a free personal privacy software? How well do you think these really work?

6) Do you think that education people about the dangers of social media and informing them about who can really see what they are posting will make people think before they post? After reading this article will you make an effort to protect you personal information more? How so?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

1) Name, hometown, primary email.

Hello everyone! My name is Ashley Marie Mysza. I was born in Parma, Ohio. I moved to Seven Hills, Ohio, when I was six, and then I moved again, to Sagamore Hills, when I was eleven. I have a ridiculous amount of emails. All of which I am terrible at checking, due to this fact primarily, I won't bother you with this usless information. My primary email is My John Carrol  email that I will sooner then not, have to get in the habit of checking daily, is I would prefer emails to my AOL account but I will attempt to check and reply to both.


2. What name do you prefer to be called, nick name, etc.?

I've always just been called Ashley. My name is already short, and it is hard to come up with a shorter creative version. When my friends are talking fast sometimes they shorten my name to Ash. I've also been called my last name Mysza, in classes, or on sports teams  for the sheer reason that Ashley is a common name. Also, some people just prefer Mysza becaue they like to pronounce it. Honestly any name I am called doesn't bother me, I would just prefer to be called Ashley.

3. Please insert a picture of yourself in the profile of your new blog.


4. What are you into; what makes you special? Share a few “unique” aspects about yourself that would help our classroom community get to know you a bit.

I've never left the country, and honestly I am quite afraid to leave. Although this is the case, I do love traveling across the United States.I love visiting different states and seeing the different attractions each state has to offer. I cheer for competitive cheerleading gym in Avon called Ohio Extreme. Competitive Cheerleading provides a lot of traveling oppertunities,  which  personally am quite alright with. This year I'll be traveling to Columbus Ohio, Toledo Ohio, Cincinnati Ohio, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania,Indianapolis Indiana, Providence Rhode Island, Nashville Tennessee, Atlanta Georgia, Orlando Florida, and Dallas Texas for Competitve Cheerleading alone. I also have the opportunity to go to Chicago Illinois this upcoming weekend with John Carrol University's school team, which I am slightly excited for. I recently planned a trip to New York City with my friends for the New Year Holiday. The fact that I travel a lot and I love being away from home is something that some peers may find important. Competitive Cheerleading is also a big part of my life, because of this it is a second attribute my peers may find important. I signed up for school cheer to get involved in the school and make some friends. My true passion is competitive cheerleading. I've been doing competitive cheerleading since I was seven years old. To be honest I've truly fallen in love with the sport. I leave campus minimally two days a week to drive to Avon for practice. Competitive cheerleading has gotten me through a lot in life and has taught me a lot of valuable life lessons. Another fact about myself is that I love animals, especially cats. I would say cats are my favorite animal. Back at my home, in Sagamore Hills, I have four cats that sleep, and basically live in my bedroom. I also have two dogs, a pug, and a poodle terrier mix, a red eared slider turtle and three goldfish. One last fact about myself is that I have a tremendously big family I live with my mom and four siblings. I have a 15 year old sister and a 13 year old brother that are related to me by blood. I also have two adopted sisters that are six and eight.

Learning Style and more:

5. Being as specific as you can, what must be in place for you to feel comfortable taking intellectual and creative risks in a course?

I think in order for me to be creative and take risks in this class I really have to focus. This is hard for me because I can get easily distracted. I need to be able to zone in on whatever I am doing, to put my thinking cap on. Normally coming up with creative ideas is easy for me, but if I am confused about what the assignment is, I struggle to come up with ideas. With this being said, I think that clear instructions about what I am expected to come up with is what is needed to be in place for me to take a creative risk.

Technology Section

6. What do you believe was the most important technological invention in history? Why?

I honestly don't know what the most important technological invention is in history. In my opinion it would have to be some invention that helps save peoples life. I personally don't know the terminology for these types of machines or the statistics to go along with what is the most helpful/ useful and saves the most lives, but I would have to say it is something along that field.

7. Please list a number of technologies you currently believe to be essential to your life.

Cell Phone; I believe my cell phone is a technology that is essential in my life. I think it is important for communication. It is also good to have for safety. If you are in an emergency, or sticky situation help is just a phone call away.

Internet; Previously in my life Internet hasn't been as essential to me as most other teenagers, but now that I am back in school and I've started John Carrol I feel that it is extremely important. The Internet truly provides a lot of learning resources. It makes getting an education much easier.

Vehicles; Out of all the technologies listed above at this point I think my vehicle is the most important to me. Without my car I wouldn't be able to go back and forth to cheer, and I wouldn't be able to drive to visit my boyfriend. My lifestyle at this moment requires a car. This is why it is so essential to me.

8.Briefly describe your experience working with then rate your technical proficiency on a scale of 10 (I invented Facebook) to 1 (what are you talking about)

1. computers, 5
Junior and senior year of high school i did online high school. Therefore, I was on the computer for school a lot .I do have some basic experience with computers. Even though this is all true I never went to a far extent learning about computers.

2. digital media, 2
I am familiar with storing projects on flash drives. I also took an online art class last year which introduced me to the very basics of Digital Art. Other then this I don't know too much about digitial media.  

3. social media 4
I do have a facebook, twitter, and Instagram account. Everyone please go follow me at @myszaashley. The tryth is though I honestly don't use any of these websites frequently. I also have an email address, but checking it is a skill I have to improve on fast.

About Dr. Shutkin:

9. Write down a question or two that you would like to ask me about myself or the class.

Do you have a lot of people that come into your class without really knowing what they are getting into?

How experienced do you expect students to have with Computers, Digital Media and Social Media Before entering your class?