1) Name, hometown, primary email.
Hello everyone! My name is Ashley Marie Mysza. I was born in Parma, Ohio. I moved to Seven Hills, Ohio, when I was six, and then I moved again, to Sagamore Hills, when I was eleven. I have a ridiculous amount of emails. All of which I am terrible at checking, due to this fact primarily, I won't bother you with this usless information. My primary email is myszaashleymarie@aol.com. My John Carrol email that I will sooner then not, have to get in the habit of checking daily, is amysza17@jcu.edu. I would prefer emails to my AOL account but I will attempt to check and reply to both.
2. What
name do you prefer to be called, nick name, etc.?
I've always just been called Ashley. My name is already short, and it is hard to come up with a shorter creative version. When my friends are talking fast sometimes they shorten my name to Ash. I've also been called my last name Mysza, in classes, or on sports teams for the sheer reason that Ashley is a common name. Also, some people just prefer Mysza becaue they like to pronounce it. Honestly any name I am called doesn't bother me, I would just prefer to be called Ashley.
Please insert a picture of yourself in the profile of your new
4. What are you into; what makes
you special? Share a few “unique” aspects about yourself that would help our
classroom community get to know you a bit.
I've never left the country, and honestly I am quite afraid to leave. Although this is the case, I do love traveling across the United States.I love visiting different states and seeing the different attractions each state has to offer. I cheer for competitive cheerleading gym in Avon called Ohio Extreme. Competitive Cheerleading provides a lot of traveling oppertunities, which personally am quite alright with. This year I'll be traveling to Columbus Ohio, Toledo Ohio, Cincinnati Ohio, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania,Indianapolis Indiana, Providence Rhode Island, Nashville Tennessee, Atlanta Georgia, Orlando Florida, and Dallas Texas for Competitve Cheerleading alone. I also have the opportunity to go to Chicago Illinois this upcoming weekend with John Carrol University's school team, which I am slightly excited for. I recently planned a trip to New York City with my friends for the New Year Holiday. The fact that I travel a lot and I love being away from home is something that some peers may find important. Competitive Cheerleading is also a big part of my life, because of this it is a second attribute my peers may find important. I signed up for school cheer to get involved in the school and make some friends. My true passion is competitive cheerleading. I've been doing competitive cheerleading since I was seven years old. To be honest I've truly fallen in love with the sport. I leave campus minimally two days a week to drive to Avon for practice. Competitive cheerleading has gotten me through a lot in life and has taught me a lot of valuable life lessons. Another fact about myself is that I love animals, especially cats. I would say cats are my favorite animal. Back at my home, in Sagamore Hills, I have four cats that sleep, and basically live in my bedroom. I also have two dogs, a pug, and a poodle terrier mix, a red eared slider turtle and three goldfish. One last fact about myself is that I have a tremendously big family I live with my mom and four siblings. I have a 15 year old sister and a 13 year old brother that are related to me by blood. I also have two adopted sisters that are six and eight.
Learning Style and
5. Being as specific as
you can, what must be in place for you to feel comfortable taking intellectual
and creative risks in a course?
I think in order for me to be creative and take risks in this class I really have to focus. This is hard for me because I can get easily distracted. I need to be able to zone in on whatever I am doing, to put my thinking cap on. Normally coming up with creative ideas is easy for me, but if I am confused about what the assignment is, I struggle to come up with ideas. With this being said, I think that clear instructions about what I am expected to come up with is what is needed to be in place for me to take a creative risk.
Technology Section
6. What do you believe was the most important
technological invention in history? Why?
I honestly don't know what the most important technological invention is in history. In my opinion it would have to be some invention that helps save peoples life. I personally don't know the terminology for these types of machines or the statistics to go along with what is the most helpful/ useful and saves the most lives, but I would have to say it is something along that field.
7. Please list a
number of technologies you currently believe to be essential to your
Cell Phone; I believe my cell phone is a technology that is essential in my life. I think it is important for communication. It is also good to have for safety. If you are in an emergency, or sticky situation help is just a phone call away.
Internet; Previously in my life Internet hasn't been as essential to me as most other teenagers, but now that I am back in school and I've started John Carrol I feel that it is extremely important. The Internet truly provides a lot of learning resources. It makes getting an education much easier.
Vehicles; Out of all the technologies listed above at this point I think my vehicle is the most important to me. Without my car I wouldn't be able to go back and forth to cheer, and I wouldn't be able to drive to visit my boyfriend. My lifestyle at this moment requires a car. This is why it is so essential to me.
8.Briefly describe
your experience working with then rate your technical proficiency on a scale of 10 (I invented Facebook) to 1 (what are you talking about)
1. computers, 5
Junior and senior year of high school i did online high school. Therefore, I was on the computer for school a lot .I do have some basic experience with computers. Even though this is all true I never went to a far extent learning about computers.
2. digital media, 2
I am familiar with storing projects on flash drives. I also took an online art class last year which introduced me to the very basics of Digital Art. Other then this I don't know too much about digitial media.
3. social media 4
I do have a facebook, twitter, and Instagram account. Everyone please go follow me at @myszaashley. The tryth is though I honestly don't use any of these websites frequently. I also have an email address, but checking it is a skill I have to improve on fast.
About Dr. Shutkin:
9. Write down a question or two that you would like to
ask me about myself or the class.
Do you have a lot of people that come into your class without really knowing what they are getting into?
How experienced do you expect students to have with Computers, Digital Media and Social Media Before entering your class?
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